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Utah SGID Statewide Roads Data Layer Updates (1 min)
UGRC recently completed updates to the SGID Roads data layer. Please visit our Roads and Highway System data page where you will find information about the Roads data model, as well as a web service l
Municipal Boundaries, Final update for 2024 (3 min)
To review any specific annexation document, visit the Utah Lt. Governor Municipal Certifications website.As always, feel free to check out all the changes and make sure your boundaries are where you t
Getting Better Resolution from Raster Tile Imagery in Large Maps (5 min)
Have you ever added one of our WMTS Discover imagery layers to a map covering a large extent (a small-scale map) in ArcGIS Pro and tried to export it to a large PDF, only to have the imagery come out
Meet Laura Ault - New UGRC Director (3 min)
We are excited to announce that we have a new director here at the Utah Geospatial Resource Center! Laura Ault joined UGRC earlier last fall and we are thrilled to have her on our team!Tell us about y
Python Shorts: Pivoting in Pandas (10 min)
When we analyze a GIS layer, we often want to use one of the attributes to group the features and see how other attributes differ amongst the groups. For many GISers, it's second nature to do this vis
Utah SGID Statewide Roads Data Layer Updates (2 min)
Statewide Lidar Products Now Available (5 min)
We are thrilled to announce the completion of the Lidar baseline for the state of Utah, a project that has been more than ten years in the making. Some of our collaborators have included the Division